Saturday, February 4, 2023

It's Coming!


It's Coming!

So, I’m having a moment today. One that I know is ‘due’, but I’m still not happy about it.

I’ve been advised that I’m entering into a new season, one that I will be traveling ALONE. For the first time - ever (?) - it WILL be just me, myself, I and the Lord. Those who I thought were ‘friends’, have been removed from my life - either because they were a crutch or I served as a crutch for them. Inadvertently, 

Over the past ten (10) years, I’ve turned into a Hermit (literally and figuratively), and I am going to have to go through the process of relearning how to reintegrate myself into the ‘land of the living’ (LOL) 

I’ve grown so accustomed to and comfortable with my solitude, although the ‘comfort’ of having someone/anyone within arms reach (with just taking a few steps through my bedroom door) was present and was that ‘soft place to land’. 

Knowing that this next season will not provide me that cushion, is both thrilling, while at the same time daunting. So much so, my anxiety level raises each and every time I think about it, but is almost instantly replaced with the excitement of taking this journey into the unknown and all that will come from it.

Although I thought I was experiencing the empty-nest season when I left the DMV back in 2012, I now know that that was NOTHING compared to where 2023 is going to take me. I’m not sure if I’m truly prepared/ready, but I do know that I am proud that I’m open to and accepting of whatever comes.

Now to build the proverbial bridge and get over myself…